
The ASHSP is a registered Society in Alberta seeking to become the Professional Association in Alberta. As a Society, membership categories are not necessary as they confer no special title or scope of practice; therefore, there is only one category at this point: member.

Original membership categories proved to be too narrow and limiting for the very broad scope of this field. Learning from the original categories, the ASHSP is currently determining what membership categories are appropriate for the future Professional Association, and we have simplified our membership process accordingly.

Membership Fees

General Member

The fee for membership in the ASHSP is currently $100.00 per year, and applies to those applicants who have any of the following certifications/designations:

• AOHNA (Alberta Occupation Health Nurses Association)
• CHSC (Certified Health and Safety Consultant)
• CHSMSA (Certified Health and Safety Management Systems Auditor)
• CIH (Certified Industrial Hygienist)
• CMIOSH or CFIOSH (IOSH Chartered Member/Fellow)
• CPE (Certified professional Ergonomist)
• CRSP or CRST (Canadian Registered Safety Professional/Technician)
• CSP (Certified Safety Professional)
• HSA (Health and Safety Administrator)
• MSO (Manufacturing Safety Officer)
• NCSO (National Construction Safety Officer)
• QSR (Qualified Safety Representative)
• ROH, ROHT (Registered Occupational Hygienist/Hygiene Technologist)
• Auditor for an approved Certifying Partner
• Other, as accepted by the ASHSP Registration Committee

Student Member

An applicant may be eligible for a fee of $50.00 per year.

This may be applied to applicants who have completed, or are currently enrolled in, an educational program that meets the requirements for certification with the Canadian Registration Board of Occupational Hygiene, American Board of Industrial Hygiene, Board of Canadian Registered Safety Professionals, Canadian Society for Safety Engineering, Board of Certified Safety Professionals, International Organization for Safety and Health, or other as approved by the ASHSP Registration Committee.

Supporter Member

Supporters of the ASHSP mission, but who do not practice health and safety, may also join for a fee of $100.00 per year. This may apply to any person who, in the opinion of the Registration Committee, may bring improved diversity, enhanced dialogue, and strengthened relationships with groups of individuals associated with the occupational health and safety profession. Examples include business directors/owners, lawyers, etc.

Membership Application Process

The process for becoming an ASHSP member is easy:

STEP 1 – Complete the online application

STEP 2 – Application is reviewed by the Registration Committee Review

STEP 3 – Payment of your membership

Celebrating Membership

Feel free to add ASHSP Member in your signature block!

However, let it be known that the ASHSP initialism is not the same as post-nominal letters and therefore should not be used after a person’s name. To do so would be potentially misleading to a reader who may assume that these letters mean that you have successfully met and maintain standard. Once the ASHSP is successful in becoming the regulatory association (through the support of members such as yourself) there will be legally protected titles that may be used after a name.